Gynecologic : Related Sessions
Track 18: Gynecological Pathology and Uropathology
Sub-tracks of Gynecological Pathology & Uropathology:Gynecological Pathology, Ovarian Pathology, Uterine Pathology, Cervical Pathology, Vaginal Pathology, VulvarPathology, Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, PapSmear, HPVInfection, GynecologicalCancer,...
Track: 9 Surgical Pathology
Sub-Tracks Preventive Medicine: Surgery pathology, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, diagnosis, tissue, surgical pathologists, diagnosis of cancer, microscopic slides, tumour, Digital photography, Biopsies, hematoxylin, pathology residents, diagnostic...